Performance Management

5 Ways to take control of employee spend
Employee expenses are expensive. Supplier invoices – inefficient. Employees cost your company cash...

Accelerating Adobe Experience Cloud Results
Our digital experience experts can help you devise a strategy to maximize your Adobe solutions and get...

AP Automation: The end of the supplier invoice merry-go-round
The average supplier invoice ties up 15 people on its journey across your company. Take a look at the...

Essential Guide to Managing Expenses
If paper receipts litter your expense process and you rely on spreadsheets to manage this business critical...

HCM Cloud/ERP Cloud Benchmark Report
To support continual change, the finance and HR functions within the business must also continue to innovate...

Optimizing the Federal Workforce to Meet the Challenges of Tomorrow
Agencies need to be able to make informed decisions to optimize their workforce. In this whitepaper,...

A Playbook for Better HR
We know medium enterprises have limited resources. That's why we've put together a plan to help guide...

RPA: An Executive Primer
Aiming to convert your organization into a truly digital business? Automation is the foundation of all...

The HR Team's Guide To Measuring Business traveller Happiness
The HR Team's Guide to Measuring Business traveller Happiness was created to help people teams better...

2021 HCM and Payroll Buyer's Guide
Not all HR and payroll platforms are created equal. In this guide, learn the difference between service...

AI in Human Resources: The Time is Now
Technology has always been a part of achieving business outcomes, driving greater efficiency and optimisation....

The New Normal that the Pandemic will Unleash on Business
The coronavirus pandemic has forced every large company to move knowledge work from their offices to...

2021 Planning for People Success
Accelerating change calls for new ways of thinking and leading in 2021. This planning bundle includes...

The Intelligent Enterprise : A New Foundation for Organizations Globally
In September of 2018, IDC Analyst Connection explored the 'Intelligent Enterprise,' and found that inefficient...
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