Leadership Styles
43+ Touchpoints in Finance and HR
There are an infinite number of connections between the finance and HR functions. Think about it: every...
Remote Working 2020: Advantages and Challenges
Remote working is now widely recognised as part of the way businesses operate. According to a 2019 report...
The Beginner's Guide to Dynamic Case Management
What is dynamic case management? Who is using it and how can it help you prepare for the future of work? The...
The Intelligent Enterprise : A New Foundation for Organizations Globally
In September of 2018, IDC Analyst Connection explored the 'Intelligent Enterprise,' and found that inefficient...
The Absenteeism Report 2018
Absence is an issue faced by all businesses. The simple fact is that companies employ human beings and,...
Designing Adaptable Organisations For Tomorrow's Challenges
The pace of change is accelerating: digital disruption, changing consumer habits, automation and the...
A Business Leaders Guide to RPA
Today, employees spend around 10–20% of their time on mundane, repetitive tasks that can be easily...
Unifying Finance and HR: Unlocking their Full Potential
Bringing fnance and HR data systems together in the cloud empowers CFOs and CHROs to become even stronger...
IDC Brief: Employee Experience Management Is The Next Frontier
Employee experiences are made up of moments that matter from the first interaction as candidates until...
HR in 2017 What's new for HR in 2017?
Each year, Oracle hosts a gathering of HR influencers to examine the trends that have shaped the HR profession...
Future Ready HR
Emerging digital technologies are bringing seismic changes to whole industries, and human resources teams...
Rh en 2017 Quoi de neuf pour les RH en 2017?
Chaque année, Oracle rassemble des influenceurs RH pour échanger sur les dernières tendances ayant...
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